Mountain Light Sanctuary

From NomadicScribe

Main Page > Places > Mountain Light Sanctuary
 P.O. Box 18909
 Asheville, NC 28814


visiting info:

$150/week for "extended visits"

contact: mike lightweaver 828-626-4265 recommended by Jesse(Kindred Spirits,OR) during a Lost Valley tour (he stayed there)

Contact Log

e-mailed intro/basic query on 8 aug 2006:

Hello Mike,
My name is Benjamin and I'm taking this year to visit intentional communities around the U.S. to experience community life first hand. I heard about Mountain Light Sanctuary when I was at Lost Valley (OR) from a fellow named Jesse (now at recently-formed Kindred Spirits Community) who has stayed with you in the past. 
I know that Mountain Light Sanctuary has several opportunities for guests to stay as a personal retreat or extended visit, but I prefer to experience communities as a guest worker than as a "customer," interacting with the community members as more of an equal. Also, since I'm living off of savings, I'm trying to live as frugally as possible. At some communities, I'm able to do a work-trade where I do a few hours of work in exchange for room and board while I'm there. I'm also prepared for camping. 
Would you have any use for someone like me to come and work with you?
I would be interested in coming for a few days to a couple weeks between late August and mid September (between East Wind and Acorn).
I am a computer techie in my professional life, doing anything from virus cleanup and troubleshooting to web pages. I also love working outdoors doing labor, gardening or other miscellaneous tasks. 
I feel sort of odd asking about something like this out of the blue, but spirit works in strange ways, and there's no harm in asking, right?