
From NomadicScribe

Main Page > Travel

How will we travel?

Current plan: by car

Possibilities include:

  • mass transport via pass card - possibly greyhound or amtrak?
  • existing car
  • new car
  • hitchhiking

Research and comparison:

  • car is calculated at 35 miles/gallon

Austin to Portland 2,300 miles Grey hound: $172 car: $132 @ $2 / $197 @ $3 / $264 @ $4

Austin to Hot Springs 477 miles Greyhound: $85 car: $28 @ $2 / $41 @ $3 / $56 @ $4


1. research places to go

  • communities
  • family
  • overseas?

2. lay out a basic route and schedule

3. calculate bus vs. car etc. (modes of transport)