Archive for the 'media' Category

Sirius Community - journal entries

Thursday, January 18th, 2007

11/26 - Sunday night
Found Sirius ok. It’s about 10 miles from Amherst, MA. The place is pretty big - several buildings. Brice met me, showed me to my room and gave me a quick orientation. Then he invited me to have dinner with his family. He and his wife Deborah have three kids at the […]

NY journals & pics

Thursday, January 18th, 2007

After leaving DC, I headed up to New York for a few days to see friends and visit Ganas on Staten Island.
11/15 - Wednesday
Arrived in NY okay. It must have cost me $20 in tolls to get up here. $5 for a bridge, $3 for a turnpike. Ridiculous. Hung out with Tavit. He’s into video […]

DC - journal and pictures

Monday, December 11th, 2006

11/10 - Friday
Fuck. Talk about another extreme [coming from a week alone in the woods]. DC reminds me of a combination of NYC and LA. Streets and cars everywhere and sprawling out to everywhere else. This place makes me want to smoke.
Everything this morning went fine. The drive out of Shenandoah National Park was long […]

camping pictures

Saturday, November 25th, 2006

A typical campsite setup:

My deer friend from the last day:

A panoramic view stitched together from several pics:

A view from the mountains:


Camping-style Benjamin:

Me at the end of the week:

pictures from Dancing Rabbit

Wednesday, July 19th, 2006

Since my camera was busted when we got to Dancing Rabbit, I didn’t get a chance to take any pictures of my own. Luckily, Richard, another visitor in our group, had a camera and shared some of his pictures with us.

Kids playing on the hammock swing. Skyhouse (L) and Common House (R) in the back

Skyhouse […]

Vancouver-Lighthouse Park

Sunday, April 16th, 2006

We got to Lighthouse Park at sunset:


Sunday, April 16th, 2006

Benjamin’s pilgrimage to the Adbusters HQ

We saw our first cupcake store in Vancouver:

April looking cute

April on English Beach

Vancouver, Canada- Camping

Sunday, April 16th, 2006

After the first night, everything was covered in snow.

Good thing our tent was protected by some extra tarps.

The view from our campsite after the first day of snow

At night (and in the early morning), the water crept right up next to the campsite.
Other views from our campsite:

Seattle, Washington

Friday, April 14th, 2006

Kurt Cobain’s House

April writes her own message of adoration to the deceased. This park is in a small lot next to the house.

Nehalem Bay, Oregon coast.

Saturday, April 8th, 2006

Here are our favorite pictures from when we camped at Nehalem Bay on the Oregon coast: