Archive for August, 2006

Bon Paul and Sharky’s Hostel - Asheville, NC

Wednesday, August 30th, 2006

I drove through the Great Smoky mountains on the way from Knoxville to Asheville, and OMFG they are beautiful!!
Instead of staying 2 nights at the Knoxville hostel (which was a fine hostel), I decided to mosey down the road to Asheville, NC. The hostel descriptions sounded more interesting (i.e. interesting ammenities and cooler stuff nearby). […]

East Wind

Wednesday, August 30th, 2006

Disclaimer: I was only able to visit East Wind for five days, and therefore feel that my breadth of experience was even more limited than usual.
East Wind was my first foray into a true hippie commune. It is a completely income-sharing community. People put in equal hours and get (presumably) equal benefits. Vital stats: 1,000+ […]


Thursday, August 24th, 2006

While I was staying with April, we watched V for Vendetta. I made a mental connection between it and Fight Club. In each of these films, the show ends with the blowing-up of the establishment (parliament, credit card companies). The establishment is the enemy. It is totalitarian, controlling, oppressive, etc. And the good guys […]

East Wind - First Impressions

Monday, August 21st, 2006

I wrote this for a newsletter they were putting together at East Wind. I’ll write a more detailed summary about the mechanics of the community for another post.

I’ve been at East Wind for four days now, and I’m amazed that it exists at all.
When I first got in, Quinn (my greeter on the membership team) […]

saddling up

Wednesday, August 9th, 2006

Well, things are coming together. I have most of the rest of the year scheduled. I’ll be visiting East Wind, Earthaven Ecovillage, Blue Heron Farm, Acorn and Twin Oaks communities, and possibly Sirius and Ecovillage at Ithica in the northeast. Both the map and the calendar have been updated to show current plans. New places, […]